Kimberly Packard
Award-Winning Author
This Time Around | Dire's Club |Vortex
The Crazy Yates | The Phoenix Trilogy

Accolades for This Time Around
Kimberly Packard’s exploration of a mother’s love is masterful, creative, and compelling.
Between some of the chapters, I might have texted the kids to tell them I loved them.
Lone Star Literary Life
Book Review
Imagine blending the best elements of Back to the Future and Freaky Friday, but with a surprising amount of depth and heart.
Lone Star Literary Life
Book Review

Kimberly Packard is an award-winning author of women’s fiction.
She began visiting her spot on the shelves at libraries and bookstores at a young age, gazing between the Os and the Qs.
Kimberly received a degree in journalism from the University of North Texas, and has worked in public relations and communications for nearly 20 years.
When she isn’t writing, she can be found running, planning her next trip, doing a poor imitation of yoga, asking her dog what’s in his mouth or curled up with a book. She resides in Texas with her husband Colby, a clever cat named Oliver and a precocious black lab named Tully.
Her debut novel, Phoenix, was awarded as Best General Fiction of 2013 by the Texas Association of Authors. Other published works by Kimberly includes a Christmas novella, The Crazy Yates, and the sequels to Phoenix,
Pardon Falls and Prospera Pass, and her stand-alone titles, Dire's Club, Vortex and This Time Around.
She was honored as one of the Top 10 Haute Young Authors by Southern Methodist University in 2019 (she was most excited about the young part). Kimberly's most recent release, Dire's Club, was honored by the North Texas Book Festival as the winner of the best adult fiction of 2021.
You can reach me by email at kimberly@kimberlypackard.com,
or through any social media channel.
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